About This Blog

This page will be written in more formal (hehehehe) language.

I had a blog in wordpress, which is really abandoned, and I hope I could revive it somehow. I was surfing around the internet, when I found some cool blogs that seems easier to manage, they were all on blogspot. So I decided to create one.

First problem is, what would the topic be. I really like everything, from personals to educational and everything in between. The problem is, if I write anything educational I need to collect all the informations and make sure that you guys can count on it.

So I decided to write random blog. Of course the main topic would be lifestyle, beauty, fashion and CARTOONS.

The second one is what's the name of the blog? I was going for something like silver something or gold something, but it was boring. I tried something more personal, using nicknames and things like that, same still, I don't have any cute nicknames. Hmm... Why didn't I think about Cookies? They're cute, I don't know.

I think and think and think. And Unicorn came along somewhere. But I don't want unicorn.blogspt.com (and I don't think it's available) and ended up with coloring unicorns.

That's all for the introduction about this blog, write down in comment box about what topic should I write x(:

P.S : I don't mind if you promoting your blog here, because I would totally check it out haha

P.P.S : It doesn't end pretty formal eh?

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